Full Tilt Poker Closed Worldwide Shut Down
“Alderney Gambling Control Commission (AGCC) has today issued Hearing Notices under Regulation 46 of its Regulations to Vantage Ltd, Oxalic Ltd, Filco Ltd and Orinic Ltd, collectively trading as FULL TILT POKER.
In addition, AGCC has issued Suspension Notices under Regulation 47 to the above named companies requiring them to suspend all operations with immediate effect.
The decision to suspend these licenses follows a special investigation prompted by the indictments unsealed by US Attorney General’s Office in the Southern District of New York on 15 April 2011, during which grounds were found to indicate that these licensees and their business associates were operating contrary to Alderney legislation. The nature of the findings necessitated the taking of immediate action in the public interest.
Andre Wilsenach, the Executive Director of the Alderney Gambling Control Commission says: ‘The decision to suspend the eGambling licence was in the public interest and, because of the seriousness and urgency of the matter, it required that immediate action be taken ahead of the regulatory hearing.’”
Full Tilt Poker is currently closed worldwide with all their game servers down, with a message on FullTiltPoker.com stating “Scheduled Maintenance in Progress – The system is currently down for maintenance. Please check back soon!”
No official statement has been released about by Full Tilt Poker with it’s latest closing.
Right now FullTilt Poker is closed worldwide under instruction from the Alderney Gambling Control Commission, Full Tilt Poker must cease to:
-register new customers
-accept deposits from existing customers
-allow existing customers to withdraw funds that are held in their accounts
-permit customers to participate in any form of poker game play or gambling transaction
The AGCC will conduct a hearing regarding Full Tilt Poker on Tuesday, July 26th when we should hear the latest news about the closure, the decision to suspend Full Tilt’s operation was “an interim step and one that was taken with an aim to stopping any further deterioration in the current situation” according to the AGCC.
That really sucks, Full Tilt already looked in trouble this last month now things just got heaps worse, one now wonders if they will ever make a full recovery again and become a top poker room.
As a result of this recent FullTiltPoker shut down, we will remove our main menu links for the time being and restore them if or rather when they come back online, we are still owed last month’s FullTilt Affiliate earnings, I would imagine many players still have outstanding balances to cash out too especially those from the USA.